Protecting the Environment

Avtech is proud of its achievements as a "green" company. Some of our environmental protection efforts are described below:

Information about compliance with environment-related European Union Directives is available:

Reducing Electric Power Consumption at Avtech Facilities

imageAvtech has implemented an aggressive strategy to reduce electric power consumption at our facility. This strategy includes:

These measures have resulted in a dramatic reduction of overall electric power consumption, as shown in the graph below:

Hydro Consumption Chart

Reducing Electric Power Consumption in Avtech Products

imageAs technology has advanced, new power supply designs have become available that provide high efficiency without compromising performance. These features are now standard in Avtech instruments:

As a typical example, the AVL-2-B-P pulse generator with the new switching power supply design now draws between 0.22 and 0.28 Amps, when powered from 115V AC. The old design consumed between 0.41 and 0.47 Amps under the same conditions. This represents a 43% reduction in power consumption, on average!

Power consumption improvements in a typical instrument




Surplus or obsolete computer and office equipment and supplies are now routinely offered for free to those subscribing to a locally-based community re-use email list (FullCirclesBarrhaven). A very large fraction of this "junk" is claimed by someone with a use for it! Some recent examples include:

This helps divert electronic waste out of landfills, and back into useful service!

Elimination of Lead (Pb)

image Avtech has adopted lead-free solders and processes:

Directive 2002/95/EC, Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)

Avtech instruments are considered "Monitoring and control instruments" (Category 9) as defined in Annex 1A of Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The RoHS directive only applies to WEEE categories 1-7 and 10, as stated in the "Article 2 - Scope" section of the directive. As such, Avtech instruments are exempt from the RoHS requirements.

However, Avtech is working towards voluntary compliance, by switching to components which are RoHS-compliant, and through our Elimination of Lead effort.

Directive 2002/96/EC, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

European customers who wish to order directly from Avtech should refer to this document (PDF format) for details.

European customers who order from Avtech representatives within the European Union should discuss any WEEE concerns with the representative, as the legal burden of compliance will normally lie with the representative (rather than Avtech or the end user).


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