Semiconductor Device Testers

Avtech offers a range of solutions for semiconductor test requirements. Avtech can supply products suitable for many test requirments, including:

  • Reverse Recovery Time Tests (MIL-STD-750-4 Method 4031, etc.)
  • Forward Recovery Voltage and Time Tests (MIL-STD-750-4 Method 4026, etc.)
  • Transistor Switching Time Tests (MIL-PRF-19500, etc.)
  • Phototriac dV/dt Tests
  • Laser Diode Pulse Testing
  • Production Pulsed V-I Tests

Avtech can also provide specialized test jigs designed to minimize parasitic inductance, while providing ease-of-use and safety for the operator. "One of a kind" applications can be accommodated at "near stock" prices. Contact Avtech with your special requirements!

The instruments listed below are particularly suitable for certain semiconductor test requirements, but other models may also be of interest. Our knowledgeable application engineers can guide you to the most suitable model.

All models with the "-B" suffix include IEEE-488.2 GPIB and RS-232 ports, for easy test automation. The basic command set is SCPI compliant, for easu of use.

Visit our Application Notes" area for further assistance. See

Reverse Recovery Test Systems

Product Amplitude (max) + to - transition PW Max. PRF Typical Application
AVR-EB2A-B pulse generator +/- 100 mA ≤ 0.5 ns 200 ns 10 kHz Reverse Recovery Time Tests (MIL-STD-750-4 Method 4031.4 Condition A) for low current diodes
AVR-EB2J-B pulse generator +/- 100 mA ≤ 1.5 ns 200 ns 10 kHz Reverse Recovery Time Tests (MIL-STD-750-4 Method 4031.4 Condition A) for low current diodes
AVR-EB4-B pulse generator +2A / -4A ≤ 4.5 ns 2-20 us 100 Hz Reverse Recovery Time Tests (MIL-STD-750-4 Method 4031.4 Condition B) for medium current diodes
AVR-EB5-B pulse generator +4A / -4A ≤ 100 ns 0.2-1 ms 10 Hz Reverse Recovery Time Tests (MIL-STD-750-4 Method 4031.4 Condition B) for PIN diode lifetime characterization
AVR-EB7-B pulse generator +200mA / -200mA ≤ 2.5 ns 200 ns 5 kHz Reverse Recovery Time Tests (MIL-STD-750-4 Method 4031.4 Condition B) for small-signal diodes

Forward Recovery Time Test Systems

Product Amplitude (max) transition time PW Max. PRF Typical Application
AVR-EBF6-B pulse generator +1A 10 ns 0.2 - 10 us 10 kHz Forward Recovery Time Tests (MIL-STD-750-4 Method 4026.3)

Optocoupler and Phototriac CMTI & dV/dt Test Systems

Product Amplitude (max) transition time PW Max. PRF Typical Application
AVR-DV1-B pulse generator 1000 V 125ns - 1.1us (1%-63.2%) 200 ns to 200us 1 kHz Phototriac dV/dt tests
AVRQ-4-B pulse generator 1500 V 20 to 500 ns 1 - 20 us 10 Hz Optocoupler common-mode transient immunity (CMTI) tests
AVRQ-5-B pulse generator 1500 V 10 to 50 ns 1 - 20 us 10 Hz Optocoupler common-mode transient immunity (CMTI) tests

Transistor and Other Test Systems

Product Amplitude (max) transition time PW Max. PRF Typical Application
AVR-E1-W-B pulse generator 20 V 0.3 ns 0.1 - 5 us 20 kHz Very-high-speed switching tests
AVR-D2-B pulse generator 30V (40V opt) 1.5ns (1.0ns opt) 0.2 - 20 us 50 kHz High-Speed Bipolar Transistor Switching Time Tests (MIL-PRF-19500, MIL-STD-750-3 Method 3251.1)
AVR-D3-B pulse generator 250V / 5A 20 ns 10 - 300 us 10 Hz High-Power Bipolar Transistor Switching Time Tests (MIL-PRF-19500, MIL-STD-750-3 Method 3251.1)
AVR-D4-B pulse generator 225V / 40A 10 ns 0.5 - 2 us 100 Hz High-Power MOSFET Switching Time Tests (MIL-PRF-19500, MIL-STD-750-3 Method 3472.2)
AVI-V-B pulse generator 50 V 0.35 ns 2 - 100 ns 20 kHz Very-high-speed switching tests
AV-1010-B pulse generator 100 V 10 ns 20 ns - 10 ms 1 MHz General purpose testing

Test Jigs

Product Packages Test Type Use With
AVX-TRR-ANB DO-41, Microsemi Type E Reverse Recovery Time AVR-EB4-B, AVR-EB5-B, AVR-EB7-B
AVX-TRR-AR1 Axial (DO-41, Microsemi Type E)
and SQMELF (D-5A, D-5B, D-5D)
Reverse Recovery Time AVR-EB4-B, AVR-EB5-B, AVR-EB7-B
AVX-TRR-MIX DO-41, Microsemi Type E, TO-220, TO-3, other Reverse Recovery Time AVR-EB4-B, AVR-EB5-B, AVR-EB7-B
AVX-TRR-MELF MELF (SMT) Reverse Recovery Time AVR-EB4-B, AVR-EB5-B, AVR-EB7-B
AVX-TRR-SQMELF Square-ended MELF (SMT) Reverse Recovery Time AVR-EB4-B, AVR-EB5-B, AVR-EB7-B
AVX-TRR-STUD DO-4, DO-5 stud Reverse Recovery Time AVR-EB4-B, AVR-EB5-B, AVR-EB7-B
AVX-TFR-ANB DO-41, Microsemi Type E Forward Recovery Time AVR-EBF6-B
AVX-TFR-AR1 Axial (DO-41, Microsemi Type E)
and SQMELF (D-5A, D-5B, D-5D)
Forward Recovery Time AVR-EBF6-B
AVX-TFR-MIX DO-41, Microsemi Type E, TO-220, TO-3, other Forward Recovery Time AVR-EBF6-B
AVX-TFR-MELF MELF (SMT) Forward Recovery Time AVR-EBF6-B
AVX-TFR-SQMELF Square-ended MELF (SMT) Forward Recovery Time AVR-EBF6-B
AVX-TFR-STUD DO-4, DO-5 stud Forward Recovery Time AVR-EBF6-B

Plus Many More...

The test systems listed above are models that are tightly bound to specialized semiconductor test requirements (such as those outlined in MIL-STD-750). Many other models are also available which are suitable for general semiconductor test applications. Contact us if you can't find what you need!


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